Our Services

Eye-to-eye Prompting for documentaries and interviews

What's also been called an "Interitron",
our Eye-to-Eye prompting brings direct-into-lens responses from your subject.

This format of prompting is, essentially, two on-camera prompter rigs configured to frame both the subject of the interview, and the person doing the interview.
Your footage will show the subject speaking naturally, and comfortably, directly into the camera.

Our experienced operator will help set up the rig so that you can focus on great content in this recently popularized interview style for documentaries.

Eye-to-Eye Prompting - Rates/Options

This prompting system includes:

  • Computerized prompting workstation.
  • Thru-the-lens or stand mounted prompter with beamsplitter for placement in front of subject.
  • Thru-the-lens or stand mounted prompter with beamsplitter for placement in front of interviewer.
  • Qualified prompter operator (deliver, setup, and operate)
  • Per 10 hour day = $1400
Please note that:
  • You'll need to provide an EXTRA camera for placement on the prompter in front of the interviewer.
  • BOTH cameras must output an SDI or HDMI signal for feeding the other prompter screen.
  • We highly recommend your sound department come prepared to mic the interviewer and feed a small anchor/speaker placed near the prompter in front of the subject. This makes it more natural for the person being interviewed, as he/she will hear the voice coming from the prompter screen rather than have to look at the interviewer's face in the screen, while hearing their voice come from somewhere off camera.
  • These rates are for NON-LIVE video shoots.
    Live video prompting would fall under our live/stage rates.
    See our page on stage prompting solutions.
  • Our rates are PORTAL to PORTAL from San Francisco
  • There is no half day rate for eye-to-eye prompting
  • Mileage is charged at the going rate for shoots outside of San Francisco
  • Parking charges will be added to invoice unless other arrangements are made
  • Please familiarize yourself will all of our Terms and Conditions.

A little more detail: How it works.

  • In a typical prompting situation, we would place a thru-the-lens prompter setup in front of your talent so that he could read his script while looking directly into the lens.

  • In this case, instead of feeding computerized text into that screen, we'll be feeding an image of the FACE of the interviewer. Your talent looks directly into his/her face, while also looking directly into the lens.

  • Now, conversely, your interviewer wants to be able to look at your talent... so a second prompter is set up that has the image of the subject in the prompter screen. This second rig also holds the camera that is pointing at the interviewer, and feeding the 'main' prompter.

  • It's, in short, a loop whereby each person is looking directly at the face of the other while also looking directly into camera. This produces a natural conversation of two people just talking to each other. And it gives you a final result of a your subject speaking directly to the audience/viewers of your video.


Service Details

Our 15" prompters come with flexible hardware and adapters to mount with just about any camera rig. Whether you're using a full size ENG camera, or an SLR style... we can get your camera mounted together with the prompter.

The advantage of mounting it all together is that if your camera moves - pans/tilts/dollies - then the prompter moves with it. You'll need a strong camera support system to handle the extra 15lbs of the prompter hardware. Also, this option requires a little more time to set up and fine tine.

This is the perfect setup for simple shoots that won't require a lot of camera movement. The prompter and mirror are mounted on a rolling stand, and can be placed directly in front of the camera lens, without having to be mounted WITH the camera.

This rig works with ANY camera and doesn't require fine tuning/balancing the mount so it's quick to set up. Short pans and zooms are fine with this rig, but are limited because the camera must be stationary.

Our 9" ultra-light prompter also comes with flexible hardware and adapters to mount with just about any jib or Steadicam type rig. In almost all cases, we can get your camera mounted together with the prompter.

Since the monitor is small in order to be lightweight, the readable distance for your talent will be reduced. Please consider this when planning your shots. Also, this option requires a little more time to set up and fine tine.

Prompting over the shoulder for dramatic presentations

While most video or film prompting is geared for getting your talent to speak comfortably INTO the camera, some productions require prompters for actors speaking to each other in some sort of dramatic re-enactment.

By placing a teleprompter monitor 'over the shoulder' of each talent, it's possible to allow the talent to read their lines, while appearing to be speaking to other talent.

See a full description of Over shoulder prompting.

What's also been called an "Interitron", our Eye-to-Eye prompting brings direct-into-lens responses from your subject.

What is, essentially, two on-camera prompter rigs configured to frame both the subject of the interview, and the person doing the interview, your footage will show the subject speaking naturally, and comfortably, directly into the camera.

Our experienced operator will help set up the rig so that you can focus on great content in this recently popularized interview style for documentaries.

See a full description of Eye-to-eye prompting.

Tips for Talent

Our Pricing

Here's a quick overview of pricing for our various services. Visit the rate page of each type for full details.


      $ 1200 day
      • Prompting Workstation
      • Operator - 10 Hrs
      • Backup Workstation
      • Deliver/Setup/Operate
      • Opt. Presidential Paddles
      • VGA/HDMI/Composite Feeds
      • See full Stage Rates

      $ 600 day
      • Prompting Workstation
      • NO Op - provided thru Local 16
      • Backup Workstation
      • Deliver/Setup/Operate
      • Opt. Presidential Paddles
      • VGA/HDMI/Composite Feeds
      • See full Union Stage Rates